Forbidden Peak - West Ridge


We will follow the Boston Basin trail near the end of Cascade River Road until we reach the awe-inspiring Boston Basin. Climb snow or slabs to reach the west ridge couloir. In early season, it is possible to ascend this couloir via moderately angled snow slopes. In late season, we will ascend blocky 4th class terrain to reach the notch below the main climb. From this point, we will ascend the classic West Ridge route, which is rated low 5th class. We will utilize a rope for the majority of this climb, including the descent. This climb requires ascending steep snow, technical rock climbing and scrambling.

Total stats

8 Miles, 5500’ elevation gain

When to climb?

July - October, conditions dependent


The team’s start time will largely depend on the fitness level of the members. Generally, we aim for a start time around 1AM and hope to return by dark that same day!


1 Climber: $900 p/p

2 Climbers: $700 p/p